Garden catch-up

The chicks have graduated to the great outdoors. Well, nearly!
They're getting a gentle introduction to soil and grass underfoot (or -claw) in an ibc tank full of compost. They seem very happy, and are getting regular room service of pellets and water from A. The plan is to keep bringing them in for nights until they are six weeks, and then let them out into the orchard with the ducks. 

I took a whole day off gardening during the week, so I had an extra helper today to make up for lost time. 
We got tomatoes planted into the tunnel, some herbs and peas out into the beds, peppers moved into bigger pots and did some work on the overgrown beds too.

I stopped to admire my beans in the middle of my battle with mystery stabby weeds. Between the rooster attacks, nettle stings and what I presume are some sort of thistles stabbing me in the shins, I feel like I have earned my cup of tea by the end of the day!

We managed over 8 hours outside today. 
For some reason it doesn't seem to have a tiring effect on the children, but I definitely feel I got fresh air today!


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