This is us

I'll finally introduce our crew, seeing as half of my children are asleep and nothing is burning, beeping or flying away with the wind.

I am Laura, mom of three, stepmother to one, and wife to my Hubby. I am a secular homeschool mom, a babywearer, a breastfeeder, book lover, and operate largely on coffee. I love nature and growing things in our garden and polytunnel. I am only building my skills, but get a great kick out of getting a little bit more produce out of my efforts every year. I take millions of photos of our life, because I've realised the kids grow a little bit every time I blink.

Hubby is my partner in crime. He builds fences, sheds and then some more fences. He eats everything I cook with minimum suspicion, is always happy to go with my crazy plans and complains only a little, when I get another goat/dog/chicken.

The eldest kid is K, who is 13. He is already taller than me, and can no longer borrow my boots. He is a master of fixing things, remembering every bit of movie trivia, and building a Home Alone style security system on his floor with Lego. (I assume that's what it's for -keeps me out anyway!)

The bigger girl one is A, who is nearly seven. She is wild, funny, and rarely still. She loves climbing, singing and is always in the middle of a new intense interest. She can be found in a tree, or rollerskating around.

Then there is Mister R, who is three. He's the most likely to visually give away the fact we're a homeschool family, I think. He reaches levels of volume I hadn't heard people reach before, he doesn't believe in sleep and he makes me laugh more than anyone. He loves working outside with animals and plants, and is full of facts about creatures of all sizes. Also, he is Spiderman. 

The smallest is Miss W, who is five months old. We're not sure who she'll turn out to be yet, but I'm sure it won't be boring. At the moment she's focusing on drinking milk, being carried around and getting lots of love from everybody. She was my homebirth baby, or a class biology project - whichever way you want to look at it!

We have a goat, a dog, six ducks, two hens, one grumpy rooster and five chicks. I hope you'll enjoy getting to know us!


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